Summer in Barcelona tends to be really hot and full of tourists.
The best place to spend your time is at the beach. Unfortunately a few days ago the shores of the city were hit by hundreds of plastics and micro-plastics, among other nasties.
This was caused due to a storm the week before and east winds.
Believe it or not you can usually enjoy Barcelona's main beach with clear waters sometimes even crystal clear. Other days you can't even walk along the coastline due to the terrible smell. These days are usually right after a storm which is what happened two weeks ago.
Days after heavy rain, the beaches are washed up with everything you could possibly imagine, due to the sewer not being able to contain all of the water. It floods and everything in it burst out through the exit in the sea. With the currents and the wind everything in there, ends up in our beaches.
You can check what that day looked like in the pictures below. We took these photos with @ely_pilatessupbeach with the goal to raise awareness of the problem (Thanks Ely!!).